Or just (!distances) + 0L # if you don"t have zeroes in your matrix You could convert your matrix to a logical matrix in a various ways and then add zeros, for example: is.na(distances) + 0L # if you don't have `NA` values in your matrix

You could create a whole new matrix using the dimensions of your old matrix matrix(0L, nrow = dim(distances), ncol = dim(distances)) # similarly, to save a few keystrokes (because a matrix is a special case of two dimensional array) array(0L, dim(distances)) # you could preserve the structure of your old matrix using and fill it with zeroes distances <- 0L # you could simply multiply all the values by zero distances*0L # more general solution would be which will take in count NA cases too (because every number in power of zero is always equals to 1) distances^0L - 1L # some of my stuff: If it is true then the vector elements are arranged by row.I'll just put it here as there are bunch of nice answers in the comments
#R initialize motrix how to#
The description of all the parameters above is given below: We will learn how to initialize a matrix to store. Matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames) The set of elements in the vector are the arguments for this function. To create a matrix in R language we need to use function matrix(). But if we create the matrix with numerical elements, we can use it in mathematical calculations. is.matrix tests if its argument is a (strict) matrix. as.matrix attempts to turn its argument into a matrix. Although we can create a matrix with only characters or only logical values, they are not much of any use. Description matrix creates a matrix from the given set of values. r is a 2x N integer matrix specifying which elements to repeat and how often. There are various ways to construct a matrix.

Therefore all the attributes of the matrix can be checked with the attribute() function. In base R, matrices are represented in a 'dense' format, which is given the class matrix- this will make more sense when we discuss sparsity below. To create a constant matrix whose values are all the same use an expression. The matrix contains dimensional attributes unlike vectors in R programming. It is a data structure in the R programming language. So, let's get started! What is Matrix in R?Ī matrix is an R object with a two-dimensional rectangular layout in which all the elements are arranged. We will also go through creating names of rows and columns of the matrix. Also, we will study how to modify the matrix and create transpose a matrix. In this article, we will study what is a matrix in R, how to create a matrix in R, and access the elements in it.